#27-The Secret of Lifelong Happiness – Live in the “NOW”

It really tires us out when the mind is flooded by a million little thoughts pulling us in a million different directions. But at times we really get involved in what  we are doing and our mind is fully occupied by that single thought alone. This happens to me when I am listening to a particular composition thinking just about the beauty of the lyrics or the message that it conveys. This also happens when I am totally engrossed in cooking the most favourite dish for my kids/husband. Hours seem to pass by in minutes especially when I sit to write a piece of article for my friends who visit my blog. The only thing that matters me is what I am doing at that particular moment.Nothing else counts. Probably the times when I felt most peaceful and happy . I am learning to just live for today.

Great men say that we have to stop spending so much time chasing life’s big pleasures while we neglect the little ones. Slow things down. We need to enjoy the beauty  and sacredness of everything around us. We owe this gift to ourselves. All this doesn’t mean that we have to stop setting goals for future. Goals and dreams for the future are essential elements in every successful life. Goals energize our life. But putting off happiness for the sake of achievement is absurd. Today is the day to  live fully, not when you win a lottery or when you retire. Never put off living. There is no point in owning the biggest house on your block if we  have taken time to create a “HOME” full of love and happiness. What is the use of being known across the country if the kids don’t even know their father/mother/or such kind of a love known as parental love.

We are all blessed with the little diamonds in our life called children. We are blessed with the most beautiful/loving/caring wife or husband. Here is a wake-up call for all the workoholics just to pause and take back a look. God has bestowed us with the most beautiful family. The best gift you could ever give your children is your love. Get to know them. Show them that they are far more important to you than the fleeting rewards of your professional career. Soon they will be off, building lives and  families of their own. Time slips and they grow quickly. Then it will be too late, the time will be gone.

Reserve the weekends for the family. It is a choice that you make. You can marvel the diamonds along the way or you can keep running through all your days, chasing the elusive pot of gold at the end of rainbow that ultimately reveals itself to be empty. Enjoy the special moments that every day offers. The size of the bank account and the size of the house have nothing to do with living life with a sense of joy and wonder. As some one quoted, the world is full of unhappy millionaires. We will never get a second chance to live to the fullest once again. Today is the chance to awaken to the gift of living before its is too late. Make the decision to spend more time with those who make your life more meaningful. Do the things that you always wanted to do. Never put off. Learn to love music or whatever be your passion. Let this be your defining day. Stop putting off happiness.

Every single person in this universe is a genius. We are all given certain talents. Your genius will shine through and happiness will fill your life, the instant you discover your higher purpose and then direct all energies towards it. Once you are connected to this mission, whether it is being a great teacher or an inspired artist, all your efforts will be fulfilled effortlessly. We are all here for some special reason. Let us meditate  on what our true calling is and find out how we can give ourselves to others/ to the society and the world at large with the God given talent.  Most importantly how we can make ourselves available to the family to enjoy the process of living happily.

Just like the Taj Mahal, everyone of us is a wonder in this planet.Everyone of us is a hero in some way or other. Each one of us has the potential for extraordinary achievement, happiness and lasting fulfillment.  It all depends on the small steps we take in the direction of our dreams. Small victories lead to larger ones.Tiny positive changes in our habits will definitely bring about a greater personal change.

Let us all be more compassionate and be more kind and helpful to others. A single act of kindness done to a stranger will make you feel fulfilled – just get a packet of food for the starved and give it to them and experience the feel of happiness and gratitude they show towards you ! Its amazing. The smile in their face is passed on to your face and the love and gratitude in their heart will definitely shower blessings on you and your family. You are fortunate that God has placed you in such a position where you are given a chance to help others.

Starting today, learn more, laugh more and do what you love to do. Have the inner strength to get up earlier, eat less, read more, worry less, be more patient or be more loving. Exert your will power to cleanse your thoughts. When you control your thoughts, you control your mind and when you control your mnd, you control your life. Once you are in total control of your life, you become the master of your destiny. What lies behind you and what lies in front of you matters very little when compared to what lies within you.


Courtesy:Inspired from the discourses of great saints.

9 thoughts on “#27-The Secret of Lifelong Happiness – Live in the “NOW”

  1. Namaste madam,I am extremely happy to offer my utmost respects to you.I always feel a rush of gratitude whenever I visit your blog, for it is a plethora of divine knowledge and wisdom.please continue to shower us with your generosity,madam. Thanks a million

    • Thank You Karthik. Even I am very grateful to the visitors of this blog for stopping and reading the posts that I write and also makes it a point to say a word of thanks. These kinds words of compliments by the visitors fills my heart with unexplainable happiness. Please keep visiting. 🙂

  2. i completely loved reading your thoughts…applying it in my life gives me a lot of silent moments of happiness… Thanks a ton!!

  3. It was wonderful to read the write up live in the Now. Be happy right now is a reminder to know the true nature. Thanks:)

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